
Osaka Prefecture Job Support for Foreigners Project: A Brief Explanation of Our Project

Find a job in Japan today!

For those geared toward establishing a career in Japan, whether it’s how to proceed with job hunting, writing your resume, Japanese appropriate for interviews, changing your status of residence, or anything else related to working in Japan – we offer free counseling!
Unsure of how much ‘keigo’ to use at an interview? Curious as to why your boss keeps insisting you go drinking together? Unsure of the proper way to exchange business cards? “Why do I need more than one resume?” “Do I need to write a thank you letter after an interview?” We also offer counseling from a former international student about Japan’s cultural differences from a foreigner’s point of view. So relax, and make the most of this free opportunity to boost your knowledge of working in Japan.

Date and Time
[] Closed for Lunch
◆ Job support counseling – Mon./ Tue. / Thurs.
(Advice about interviews and other uncertainties that may arise from job hunting in Japan)
◆ Job support / Lifestyle counseling from a former international student – Wed.
(Advice from a foreigner’s point of view about Japanese usage and peculiar Japanese customs)
◆ Counseling about the processes involved when entering a Japanese company – Fri.
(Advice from a specialist about status of residence applications (VISA), etc.)

Job Café Osaka - Osaka City, Chuoku Kitahama-Higashi 3-14 L Osaka 3F

 International Students / Recent Graduates / Foreigners living in Japan
(Specifically Foreigners under the age of 34 who are looking for work in Japan)

Assignee Company
2010 Hometown Re-Employment Service Job Support Service for Foreigners
Osaka Prefecture Labor Society
Pasona and Pasona Global

Please make reservations in advance by email to: jobsupportservice@ork.ecnet.jp
Please include your name and desired date and time.

1.      We are a free service
2.      All counseling services are offered in Japanese with the exception of Wednesdays.
3.      If possible, please bring a copy of your resume.
4.      We do not disclose your personal information to any third parties without your consent



【日時】1000 ~ 1700 (12001300はのぞく)
◆ 就活相談 - 月曜日、火曜日、木曜日
◆ 先輩留学生による就職・生活相談 - 水曜日
◆ 専門相談員による入社手続き相談 - 金曜日

JobカフェOsaka 大阪市中央区北浜東3-14エル・おおさか3F
◆ 京阪電車「天満橋駅」東口より西へ300m
◆ 京阪電車「北浜駅」30番出口より東へ500m・


「平成22年度 ふるさと雇用再生基金事業」
主催: 大阪府、財団法人大阪労働協会、株式会社パソナ、株式会社パソナグローバル

メールでの予約:jobsupportservice@ork.ecnet.jp に下記内容をご送信ください。

1)無料です  2)水曜日以外相談は日本語で対応します  3)可能であれば履歴書をご持参してください

発行元:  大阪府 外国人ジョブサポート業務事業
住所:大阪市中央区北浜東3-14エル・おおさか 3F
担当:栗田(Ms. Kurita)
■ E-mail
jobsupportservice@ork.ecnet.jp  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

発行元:大阪府 外国人ジョブサポート業務事業
住所:大阪府大阪市中央区南新町1-1-2 タイムスビル2F
06-4791-5221 担当:ヘンドリックス(Mr. Hendricks)
■ E-mail

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