就職活動のコツ 第2
1) インタネット
2) 雑誌・業界研究本
3) 新聞
4) テレビ
5) 会社の説明会・セミナー・合同企業説明会
6) OB・OG 訪問
Step 1 自己分析 |
●自分の能力・長所・弱点を絞る ●自分がしたい仕事vs. 自分が出来る仕事 |
Step 2 業界を決める |
●研究する志望業界を決める →3~4業界を調べる程度 |
Step 3 業界について研究する |
●業界ではどんな製品、サービス ●業界の現状・課題・将来性 ●雑誌・就職本・四季報 ●合同企業説明企業会・セミナー ●OB・OG訪問 |
Step 4 情報をまとめる |
●本当にこの業界でないとだめですか ●自分のスキル・能力本当に合っていますか |
Examining Industries
Why conduct industry research?
For those of you about to begin your job search, the question “What kind of job do I want to do” is likely the most important question you’ll be required to answer. Researching and examining various industries is one tool to help you answer this question.
* * * * *
Hotel/Tourism/Finance/Banking/Communications/Information Technology/
Education/Pharmaceuticals/Fashion/etc – There are so many different kinds of industry that it can be a bit overwhelming. Furthermore, each industry brings with it several types of jobs. Finding the right job in the right industry is the goal of industry research.
The purpose of examining industries
●To gain a better understanding of the industry
●To be able to answer questions effectively in interviews
●To know if your skills and ability match the industry or not
Questions asked about the industry at interviews
●Why do you want to work in this industry?
●What about this industry (news, etc.) interests you?
●How will your skill set be useful to this industry?
Gathering information
1) Internet
・Company homepage /Your university’s career center webpage
2) Magazines・Books on conducting industry research
・”Shikkiho”・Books on industry research(history of the industry・the industry’s formation・problems・related jobs)
3) Newspaper
・Develop the habit of reading a newspaper 15-30 minutes daily. Nikkei (http://e.nikkei.com/e/fr/freetop.aspx), etc.
4) Television
5) Company information meetings・Seminars・Job Fairs
6) Visiting OB/OG’s
Flow-cart for conducting industry research
Step 1 Self-Analysis |
●Find your skills・strong points・weaknesses ●Jobs I want to do vs. Jobs I’m capable of doing |
Step 2 Choose an Industry |
●Choose an industry to research →Research about 3-4 industries |
Step 3 Research the Industry |
●Product/service provided ●Current situation/problems/future potential of the industry ●Magazines・Books on job hunting・”shikkiho” ●Job fairs・Seminars ●Visiting OB/OG’s |
Step 4 Organize the Information |
●Is this really the right industry for me? ●Does this industry match my potential/skills? |
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