The Osaka Prefecture Job Support for Foreigners Project is a government sponsored project intended to improve the job hunting experience of foreigners and international students in Japan.

2012年1月14日 「外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会」 にお申込みナウ!
お申込みは コチラ →→ http://www.grs-project.jp/ ←←
Registration for the "2012 Job Fair for International Students" NOW OPEN! 「2012年外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会」特設サイト開始!
日時: 1月14日 10:00~19:00
「事前申込みはこちら」 →→ http://www.grs-project.jp/jobfair/index.php ←←
Hello international students and fellow foreigners in Japan,
After a few days of nice weather last week the temperatures have dropped down below the seasonal average. This morning it felt like it might even snow although I know it's still well above freezing.
At any rate, as many of you know, as a result of the terrible tragedy that affected Northeastern Japan, many Japanese companies have delayed their hiring process by around 2 months. This places both international students and Japanese students alike in a difficult situation as the stagnant economy has also made job hunting increasingly more difficult.
Regardless, Osaka Prefecture and Pasona, Inc. will co-host a job fair for international students on January 14, 2012 featuring 100 companies actively pursuing international students.
You can sign-up for the job fair in advance by filling out the necessary information at the link below.
→→ http://www.grs-project.jp/jobfair/index.php ←←
This is a great opportunity to meet with company HR representatives, discover new companies, and put your business Japanese to the test.
We look forward to seeing you next year!
日時: 1月14日 10:00~19:00
「事前申込みはこちら」 →→ http://www.grs-project.jp/jobfair/index.php ←←
Hello international students and fellow foreigners in Japan,
After a few days of nice weather last week the temperatures have dropped down below the seasonal average. This morning it felt like it might even snow although I know it's still well above freezing.
At any rate, as many of you know, as a result of the terrible tragedy that affected Northeastern Japan, many Japanese companies have delayed their hiring process by around 2 months. This places both international students and Japanese students alike in a difficult situation as the stagnant economy has also made job hunting increasingly more difficult.
Regardless, Osaka Prefecture and Pasona, Inc. will co-host a job fair for international students on January 14, 2012 featuring 100 companies actively pursuing international students.
You can sign-up for the job fair in advance by filling out the necessary information at the link below.
→→ http://www.grs-project.jp/jobfair/index.php ←←
This is a great opportunity to meet with company HR representatives, discover new companies, and put your business Japanese to the test.
We look forward to seeing you next year!
Reflections From a Previous Intern
Hey international students!
How's your job search coming? At this point, you're probably busy filling through hundreds of company profiles on rikunabi trying to find a company that suits your needs.
Finding the right company for you online can be a real challenge. Why not meet several companies at once and speak directly with their HR representatives?
Next January our project will hold a Job Fair for International Students featuring 100 companies that seek to hire international students. We will also offer a one-day internship opportunity to 100 students who wish to polish their business Japanese skills by working directly with HR representatives from one of the 100 companies participating in the Job Fair.
Below you'll find an informative and thoughtful reflection written by one of the interns from our last job fair in June. He is currently finishing up his last year in school and has already accepted a position with a Japanese company. Here's what he had to say:
Thanks for sharing. If anyone else would like to opportunity to be an intern at the upcoming Job Fair for International Students next January, please contact us at: grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
How's your job search coming? At this point, you're probably busy filling through hundreds of company profiles on rikunabi trying to find a company that suits your needs.
Finding the right company for you online can be a real challenge. Why not meet several companies at once and speak directly with their HR representatives?
Next January our project will hold a Job Fair for International Students featuring 100 companies that seek to hire international students. We will also offer a one-day internship opportunity to 100 students who wish to polish their business Japanese skills by working directly with HR representatives from one of the 100 companies participating in the Job Fair.
Below you'll find an informative and thoughtful reflection written by one of the interns from our last job fair in June. He is currently finishing up his last year in school and has already accepted a position with a Japanese company. Here's what he had to say:
●○Report of My Internship at Tiger Corporation at the Job Fair for International Students○●
For this event, I participated as an intern at “Tiger Corporation.” The company I would be interning at was announced on the day of the event and I was excited as I wondered which company I’d be assigned to.
However, the company I was appointed to was not one in which I had much interest.
It was then that I realized that the most important thing is not whether or not I’m interested in the company, but rather how I’d make the most of the opportunity. I thought, “Here’s a company that works hard to make a profit and secures employment for many people - does it really matter how we students evaluate the company based on its name or reputation? I thought it rude toward the company to think such a way when we students were the ones seeking employment.
Being assigned a company to which I didn’t want to be assigned I had a big realization.
It became a catalyst which changed the way I would approach job hunting.
During the internship, I did everything from help prepare the company booth to going out and inviting students to come visit Tiger Corporation’s booth. The most fun part for me was inviting students to our booth after receiving a lot of information about the company.
The students walking around the event hall, choosing which company booths to attend, looked exactly like me.
Because of this I thought about what kind of approach would be best for someone like me and invited students to visit the booth I was working at. As I expected I felt joy when students gathered.
In truth, for this internship I was looking for the opportunity to have a long conversation with the HR representative; however he was completely swamped with dealing with other students.
During this internship I was unable to talk to the HR representative about what kind of qualities companies are looking for or what kind of job hunting is the most effective.
However, I realized that the students walking around were just like me and I was able to think profoundly about the concept of a company.
I was also able to see and hear the opinions of students who visited the booth from a different perspective.
To sum it up briefly:
1. For this internship I was appointed a company in which I had no interest.(This was my prejudice at the time.)
2. However, my thoughts about the company, its industry, and even myself changed.
3. I was able to hear the concerns of other students like myself. This was very beneficial for me.
4. Riding home on the train I felt an incredible excitement as a result of having experienced something that changed me.
Many international students are worried as they struggled to put everything into order. I was the same. Like me, I think that this kind of internship will be a good catalyst for others as well. Everyone, please continue this kind of wonderful activity.
I’d like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart at the Global Recruiting Support Project.
Thanks for sharing. If anyone else would like to opportunity to be an intern at the upcoming Job Fair for International Students next January, please contact us at: grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
第一メルマガ・外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会・インターンシップ Mail Magazine 1st Edition: Job Fair for International Students/ Internships
大阪府 グローバル人材活用推進プロジェクト事務局です。
⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌ INDEX ⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌
(1) メルマガニュース ……… 外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会
One Dayインターンシップ生募集
(2)特集 ……………………… インターンシップセミナー
【開催日時】 2012年1月14日(土) 10:00~19:00予定
【場所】 マイドームおおさか
●One Dayインターンシップ生募集
【募集人数】 120名
【日程】 2011年10月17日(月)~11月14日(月)
【時間】 13:00~17:00
【場所】 エル・おおさか
【日程】 2011年11月21日(月)
【時間】 13:00~17:00
【場所】 エル・おおさか
E-mail : grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
■特集 ―――――――――――――――――――――・・・・・・・……………
【日程】 2011年10月17日(月) ビジネスマナー
10月24日(月) セミナー参加の注意点
10月31日(月) 企業訪問・合説の回り方
11月 7日(月) 面接対策
11月14日(月) 社内コミュニケーション
【時間】 第1部 13:30~15:00
第2部 15:30~17:00
【場所】 エル・おおさか
E-mail : grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
♪~Job Support for Foreigners~♫ ・。*・。*
Global Rookies Vol.1 09/30/11
~ Information Regarding Job Hunting Events for International
Students ~
Hello International Students,
This is the secretariat from the Osaka Prefecture Global Recruiting Support
As the sky takes on the colors of autumn, so too comes the promise of a
cooler, comfortable season; speaking of autumn, it’s also the season in which to start getting serious
about job hunting.
Therefore from this week on we’ll be sending out a weekly mail magazine
containing useful information about job hunting. Please, by all means check it out.
⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌ INDEX ⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌
(1) Mail Magazine News ……… Job Fair for International Students
Recruiting for One-Day Internships
Internship Seminars
Internship Screenings
(2)Special Edition ……………………… Internship Seminars
■Mail Magazine News―――――――――――――――――・・・・・・・……………
●Job Fair for International Students
【Date and Time】 Sat. 1/14/2012 (scheduled time) 10:00 – 19:00
【Place】 My Dome Osaka
Detailed information regarding the Job Fair for International Students
will be sent in upcoming mail magazines.
●Recruiting for One-Day Internships
We are recruiting interns to work with us during the Job Fair on
【No. of Positions】 120
●Internship Training Workshops
【Date】 Mon. 10/17/2011 – Mon. 11/14/2011
Every week on Mon.
【Time】 13:00 – 17:00
(Two sessions will be held within this time.)
【Place】 L-Osaka
●Internship Screenings
【Date】 Mon. 11/21/2011
Mon. 11/28/2011
【Time】 13:00 – 17:00
【Place】 L-Osaka
↓↓For questions regarding internships, please contact the address below:
E-mail : grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
■Special Edition―――――――――――――――――――・・・・・・・……………
We are currently recruiting interns to work with us at the upcoming
Job Fair
for International Students. Before holding the Internship Screenings we will
hold a series of seminars.
These seminars will feature useful information for job hunting as well as
help you gain the basic strengths necessary for members of the Japanese workforce.
◇Internship Training Workshops
【Date】 Mon. 10/17/2011 Business Manners
Mon. 10/24/2011 Tips for Attending Seminars
Mon. 10/30/2011 Company Visits・Getting Around at Job
Mon. 11/07/2011 Effective Measures for Interviews
Mon. 11/14/2011 Office Communication
【Time】 Class A 13:30 – 15:00
Class B 15:30 – 17:00
【Place】 L-Osaka
※Reservations are required for participation in the Internship Training
↓↓Please sign-up here!
E-mail : grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
大阪府 グローバル人材活用推進プロジェクト事務局です。
⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌ INDEX ⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌
(1) メルマガニュース ……… 外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会
One Dayインターンシップ生募集
(2)特集 ……………………… インターンシップセミナー
【開催日時】 2012年1月14日(土) 10:00~19:00予定
【場所】 マイドームおおさか
●One Dayインターンシップ生募集
【募集人数】 120名
【日程】 2011年10月17日(月)~11月14日(月)
【時間】 13:00~17:00
【場所】 エル・おおさか
【日程】 2011年11月21日(月)
【時間】 13:00~17:00
【場所】 エル・おおさか
E-mail : grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
■特集 ―――――――――――――――――――――・・・・・・・……………
【日程】 2011年10月17日(月) ビジネスマナー
10月24日(月) セミナー参加の注意点
10月31日(月) 企業訪問・合説の回り方
11月 7日(月) 面接対策
11月14日(月) 社内コミュニケーション
【時間】 第1部 13:30~15:00
第2部 15:30~17:00
【場所】 エル・おおさか
E-mail : grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
♪~Job Support for Foreigners~♫ ・。*・。*
Global Rookies Vol.1 09/30/11
~ Information Regarding Job Hunting Events for International
Students ~
Hello International Students,
This is the secretariat from the Osaka Prefecture Global Recruiting Support
As the sky takes on the colors of autumn, so too comes the promise of a
cooler, comfortable season; speaking of autumn, it’s also the season in which to start getting serious
about job hunting.
Therefore from this week on we’ll be sending out a weekly mail magazine
containing useful information about job hunting. Please, by all means check it out.
⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌ INDEX ⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌⏌
(1) Mail Magazine News ……… Job Fair for International Students
Recruiting for One-Day Internships
Internship Seminars
Internship Screenings
(2)Special Edition ……………………… Internship Seminars
■Mail Magazine News―――――――――――――――――・・・・・・・……………
●Job Fair for International Students
【Date and Time】 Sat. 1/14/2012 (scheduled time) 10:00 – 19:00
【Place】 My Dome Osaka
Detailed information regarding the Job Fair for International Students
will be sent in upcoming mail magazines.
●Recruiting for One-Day Internships
We are recruiting interns to work with us during the Job Fair on
【No. of Positions】 120
●Internship Training Workshops
【Date】 Mon. 10/17/2011 – Mon. 11/14/2011
Every week on Mon.
【Time】 13:00 – 17:00
(Two sessions will be held within this time.)
【Place】 L-Osaka
●Internship Screenings
【Date】 Mon. 11/21/2011
Mon. 11/28/2011
【Time】 13:00 – 17:00
【Place】 L-Osaka
↓↓For questions regarding internships, please contact the address below:
E-mail : grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
■Special Edition―――――――――――――――――――・・・・・・・……………
We are currently recruiting interns to work with us at the upcoming
Job Fair
for International Students. Before holding the Internship Screenings we will
hold a series of seminars.
These seminars will feature useful information for job hunting as well as
help you gain the basic strengths necessary for members of the Japanese workforce.
◇Internship Training Workshops
【Date】 Mon. 10/17/2011 Business Manners
Mon. 10/24/2011 Tips for Attending Seminars
Mon. 10/30/2011 Company Visits・Getting Around at Job
Mon. 11/07/2011 Effective Measures for Interviews
Mon. 11/14/2011 Office Communication
【Time】 Class A 13:30 – 15:00
Class B 15:30 – 17:00
【Place】 L-Osaka
※Reservations are required for participation in the Internship Training
↓↓Please sign-up here!
E-mail : grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
More Job Fairs on the Horizon: 100 Companies
Hot Enough?
Good afternoon international students and other foreigners in Japan!
With highs forecasted in the mid-30's for the rest of the week, it looks like the intense summer heat isn't going anywhere. And with nationwide efforts to save energy (節電), finding sanctuary amidst the "steam bunning" (yes, I just made that up) heat may not be as easy as walking into your nearest convenient store and collapsing on the magazine rack (OK, maybe it is...). Still, there are ways to enjoy the summer without agonizing over the unrelenting heat.
I recommend finding green space to relax in or taking the train out of the city to the beach on weekends. Instead of dreading the summer months, just sweat it out - enjoy and embrace the heat. Eat ice cream or a cold cucumber, wear a yukata, buy a kiddie pool and annoy your neighbors with a balcony pool party, hold an impromptu invasion of the kamogawa, or work on your "yanki" look and let yourself bake in the sun for the rest of summer. Ok, enough about the heat.
Job Support Osaka held its third job fair of the year yesterday. Although much smaller, with only 5 companies, it provided a great opportunity to get up close and personal with HR staff members. Tsurumi Pump was by far the star of the show, as only one of two companies hiring non-science related majors.
In all about 60 people came out. Less than what we expected, but hopefully someone from the group finds a home at one of the five companies that participated.
Massive Job Fair Next Year
It has been confirmed: In January of next year Job Support Osaka and The Global Recruiting Support Project (Osaka Prefecture/Pasona) will host a job fair featuring 100 companies. I have yet to thoroughly research this fact, but 100 companies may constitute the largest job fair for international students/foreigners in Japanese history! Expect a lot of the same companies as last time (Sharp, Panasonic, USJ, Best Life) as well as many new companies looking to beef up their global departments.
This job fair will be open to students graduating in 2012/2013 as well as recent graduates (*those whom have graduated within 3 or less years). Of course you could still come if you do not fall into one of those categories, however there may be only a few companies that are hiring outside of those guidelines.
Additionally, we will be offering half-day internships for roughly 110 students. Each company booth will have one student intern, with the remaining 10 students working as event staff. Unlike last time, students will be informed of their respective company before the day of the event and may even be required to visit the company beforehand. We hope that increased interaction with the company will provide a smoother, more rewarding experience, as well as increase the company's interest in the intern.
I'll keep you up informed and up-to-date on when the recruiting process for interns will begin. You can expect the first meetings to be held early next month.
Until then, good luck and good hunting.
Good afternoon international students and other foreigners in Japan!
With highs forecasted in the mid-30's for the rest of the week, it looks like the intense summer heat isn't going anywhere. And with nationwide efforts to save energy (節電), finding sanctuary amidst the "steam bunning" (yes, I just made that up) heat may not be as easy as walking into your nearest convenient store and collapsing on the magazine rack (OK, maybe it is...). Still, there are ways to enjoy the summer without agonizing over the unrelenting heat.
I recommend finding green space to relax in or taking the train out of the city to the beach on weekends. Instead of dreading the summer months, just sweat it out - enjoy and embrace the heat. Eat ice cream or a cold cucumber, wear a yukata, buy a kiddie pool and annoy your neighbors with a balcony pool party, hold an impromptu invasion of the kamogawa, or work on your "yanki" look and let yourself bake in the sun for the rest of summer. Ok, enough about the heat.
Job Support Osaka held its third job fair of the year yesterday. Although much smaller, with only 5 companies, it provided a great opportunity to get up close and personal with HR staff members. Tsurumi Pump was by far the star of the show, as only one of two companies hiring non-science related majors.
In all about 60 people came out. Less than what we expected, but hopefully someone from the group finds a home at one of the five companies that participated.
Massive Job Fair Next Year
It has been confirmed: In January of next year Job Support Osaka and The Global Recruiting Support Project (Osaka Prefecture/Pasona) will host a job fair featuring 100 companies. I have yet to thoroughly research this fact, but 100 companies may constitute the largest job fair for international students/foreigners in Japanese history! Expect a lot of the same companies as last time (Sharp, Panasonic, USJ, Best Life) as well as many new companies looking to beef up their global departments.
This job fair will be open to students graduating in 2012/2013 as well as recent graduates (*those whom have graduated within 3 or less years). Of course you could still come if you do not fall into one of those categories, however there may be only a few companies that are hiring outside of those guidelines.
Additionally, we will be offering half-day internships for roughly 110 students. Each company booth will have one student intern, with the remaining 10 students working as event staff. Unlike last time, students will be informed of their respective company before the day of the event and may even be required to visit the company beforehand. We hope that increased interaction with the company will provide a smoother, more rewarding experience, as well as increase the company's interest in the intern.
I'll keep you up informed and up-to-date on when the recruiting process for interns will begin. You can expect the first meetings to be held early next month.
Until then, good luck and good hunting.
【場所】:エル・おおさか(大阪府立労働センター) 本館 6階 606号室
grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp までお知らせください。
1.氏名 :
2.フリガナ :
3.性別 :
4.学校名 :
5.学部 :
6.連絡先 :
7.卒業(予定)年月 :
8.メールアドレス :
【場所】:エル・おおさか(大阪府立労働センター) 本館 6階 606号室
grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp までお知らせください。
1.氏名 :
2.フリガナ :
3.性別 :
4.学校名 :
5.学部 :
6.連絡先 :
7.卒業(予定)年月 :
8.メールアドレス :
Heating Up: Job Hunting in Japan Starts Now
Hey international students, recent graduates, and other foreigners living in Japan!
It has been a long time since my last blog entry, so first I'd like to start by congratulating those whom have already received 内定(naitei) from their respective companies. Good work! For those of you whom are still looking, just keep at it (remember, you can always apply for a visa extension of up to 1 year after graduation for purposes of job hunting. See: 特定活動 Tokuteikatsudo) http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/ZAIRYU_HENKO/zairyu_henko10_21_10.html
Last Friday the end of the rainy season was officially declared in the Kansai region and ever since it's been day after day of beautiful clear blue skies and unrelenting heat. With 海の日 this Monday the beaches will officially open and the typical summer factors will be at play: festivals, bbq's, cicadas, 風鈴, watermelon, kakigori, beer gardens, sweaty backs and near harmonious grumbles of あつッ、あつッ、暑~い!
Of course some of the regulars will not. Cutbacks on fireworks shows and other annual displays of extravagance will likely be cancelled or drastically scaled down. With nationwide efforts to save energy in response to the March 11th disaster companies are turning down their air conditioning and promoting yet another vague (although this time around unarguably popular) summer fashion trend, "super cool biz". Say goodbye to neckties for the time being at least (wearing one almost guarantees nasty looks of disapproval as if you're not doing your part for 節電).
So, besides taking in the heat and hopefully a little matsuri-magic, it's also a good time of year to get a head start on job hunting. Although it may not seem like the best way to spend your summer months, 15-20 minutes each day can really go a long way to improving your job hunting experience. Plus, it's mostly cancer free (except for all the time you'll be using a computer...which is most likely all the time... never mind).
If you're in your third year of undergraduate education or in your first year of your masters program, here's a brief rundown of what you can start doing to get ahead.
■自己分析 (jiko bunseki) - Simply put, this is a kind of self-reflection/analysis. Think of this as an exercise that (if undertaken seriously) can improve your self-awareness and help you make better choices about the future. Starting your job search with jiko bunseki allows you think critically about what type of industry, field, or position you want to work in. It also allows you to re-evaluate your skills and experiences so that you can find a position that best suits your needs. It will also come in handy later on for 自己PR(jiko PR) when interviewing.
※Remember that in Japan it can be incredibly difficult to find another job after quiting your first company within the first year of employment.
When tackling questions about your personality, such as locating your strengths and weaknesses, it can sometimes be a difficult venture to undertake alone. Asking your friends, family, or significant other for honest feedback can be one of the most helpful approaches. Try to take it with a grain of salt and remember that we are often unable to see ourselves in an objective light.
There are, however, questions which only you yourself can answer. These tend to be experiential questions or questions concerning future goals. One simple approach is to make three sections: past, present, and future; and ask yourself the following questions:
●Past - What did you study in college? Which projects did you work hard on? What type of study did you enjoy/dislike? What obstacles did you face upon coming to Japan as an international student? How did you overcome them?
●Present - What is your sale point? How can you market your skills/achievements to the company?
●Future (goals/growth/achievements) - What type of person do you want to become from now on? (goal)
(What efforts will you make in order to improve upon your current weaknesses? What would you like to learn how to do that you are currently unable of doing? (growth) What type of titles, licenses or degrees, if any, do you want to obtain? How will you do it? (achievements)
■The next step is 業界研究 - (gyoukai kenkyu) industry research - i.e., an overall review of the various industries in the Japanese job market. Learning about the movements of companies within their industry, for example, which companies are pushing hardest to enter the market in X country, can help you decide which industry would best utilize your skills.
Try to reduce your job search to two or three different industries that you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in being a "bridge" between Japan and your home country, you may find that manufacturing or trading industries to have the most jobs for your field.
■After industry research, try to spend time researching which companies are within the industry of your interest. This is commonly referred to as 企業研究 - (kigyoukenkyu)company research. What are the top companies in that industry? Which are making moves in the global economy? Which companies are focused on hiring new employees from your home country? Researching these questions will help you get a better idea of which companies to follow.
If you are able to spend even a little time each day practicing these things, you'll be much more prepared and likely on the same page as your Japanese contemporaries when job hunting really heats up in October.
Enjoy the summer and try not to spend too much time indoors.
Good luck!
It has been a long time since my last blog entry, so first I'd like to start by congratulating those whom have already received 内定(naitei) from their respective companies. Good work! For those of you whom are still looking, just keep at it (remember, you can always apply for a visa extension of up to 1 year after graduation for purposes of job hunting. See: 特定活動 Tokuteikatsudo) http://www.moj.go.jp/ONLINE/IMMIGRATION/ZAIRYU_HENKO/zairyu_henko10_21_10.html
Last Friday the end of the rainy season was officially declared in the Kansai region and ever since it's been day after day of beautiful clear blue skies and unrelenting heat. With 海の日 this Monday the beaches will officially open and the typical summer factors will be at play: festivals, bbq's, cicadas, 風鈴, watermelon, kakigori, beer gardens, sweaty backs and near harmonious grumbles of あつッ、あつッ、暑~い!
Of course some of the regulars will not. Cutbacks on fireworks shows and other annual displays of extravagance will likely be cancelled or drastically scaled down. With nationwide efforts to save energy in response to the March 11th disaster companies are turning down their air conditioning and promoting yet another vague (although this time around unarguably popular) summer fashion trend, "super cool biz". Say goodbye to neckties for the time being at least (wearing one almost guarantees nasty looks of disapproval as if you're not doing your part for 節電).
So, besides taking in the heat and hopefully a little matsuri-magic, it's also a good time of year to get a head start on job hunting. Although it may not seem like the best way to spend your summer months, 15-20 minutes each day can really go a long way to improving your job hunting experience. Plus, it's mostly cancer free (except for all the time you'll be using a computer...which is most likely all the time... never mind).
If you're in your third year of undergraduate education or in your first year of your masters program, here's a brief rundown of what you can start doing to get ahead.
■自己分析 (jiko bunseki) - Simply put, this is a kind of self-reflection/analysis. Think of this as an exercise that (if undertaken seriously) can improve your self-awareness and help you make better choices about the future. Starting your job search with jiko bunseki allows you think critically about what type of industry, field, or position you want to work in. It also allows you to re-evaluate your skills and experiences so that you can find a position that best suits your needs. It will also come in handy later on for 自己PR(jiko PR) when interviewing.
※Remember that in Japan it can be incredibly difficult to find another job after quiting your first company within the first year of employment.
When tackling questions about your personality, such as locating your strengths and weaknesses, it can sometimes be a difficult venture to undertake alone. Asking your friends, family, or significant other for honest feedback can be one of the most helpful approaches. Try to take it with a grain of salt and remember that we are often unable to see ourselves in an objective light.
There are, however, questions which only you yourself can answer. These tend to be experiential questions or questions concerning future goals. One simple approach is to make three sections: past, present, and future; and ask yourself the following questions:
●Past - What did you study in college? Which projects did you work hard on? What type of study did you enjoy/dislike? What obstacles did you face upon coming to Japan as an international student? How did you overcome them?
●Present - What is your sale point? How can you market your skills/achievements to the company?
●Future (goals/growth/achievements) - What type of person do you want to become from now on? (goal)
(What efforts will you make in order to improve upon your current weaknesses? What would you like to learn how to do that you are currently unable of doing? (growth) What type of titles, licenses or degrees, if any, do you want to obtain? How will you do it? (achievements)
■The next step is 業界研究 - (gyoukai kenkyu) industry research - i.e., an overall review of the various industries in the Japanese job market. Learning about the movements of companies within their industry, for example, which companies are pushing hardest to enter the market in X country, can help you decide which industry would best utilize your skills.
Try to reduce your job search to two or three different industries that you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in being a "bridge" between Japan and your home country, you may find that manufacturing or trading industries to have the most jobs for your field.
■After industry research, try to spend time researching which companies are within the industry of your interest. This is commonly referred to as 企業研究 - (kigyoukenkyu)company research. What are the top companies in that industry? Which are making moves in the global economy? Which companies are focused on hiring new employees from your home country? Researching these questions will help you get a better idea of which companies to follow.
If you are able to spend even a little time each day practicing these things, you'll be much more prepared and likely on the same page as your Japanese contemporaries when job hunting really heats up in October.
Enjoy the summer and try not to spend too much time indoors.
Good luck!
One Day Internship! / ワンデー インターンシップ 大募集!!!
私は、大阪府 外国人ジョブサポート事業業務のヘンドリックスと申します。
さて今回は、皆さまに 大阪府グローバル人材活用推進プロジェクトが
6月に開催するイベント 「外国人留学生向け 合同企業説明会・面接会」と
イベントでの「OneDay インターンシップ」の募集をご案内いたします。
9:00~17:00 (時間は変更の可能性あり)
出展企業:40社 (1日 20社 × 2日間 )
(WTC コスモタワー) 2Fイベントホール
お問合せ:大阪府 グローバル人材活用推進プロジェクト
Mail: grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
近日、特設サイトから 参加お申込みを受付いたします。
上記イベントを手伝っていただける インターンシップ生を
50名( 1日25名 × 2日間 )を大募集!
→ 5月12日 16:00~18:00 エル・おおさか にて開催
Rebuilding Hope: Resolve Amongst Absurdity and The Kindness of ‘Strangers’.
Japanese and foreigner reactions to the disaster and what international students can do to help.
Although each day brings more images of obliterated towns and villages, tales of lost loves ones, and fears of nuclear contamination - images of hope have already begun to emerge, as people across the nation come together to help the victims of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and ensuing tsunami that literally reshaped the northeastern seaboard of Japan.
Fundraisers, young and old, stand outside of major train stations across the country, voices strained to rise above the cacophony of rush hour traffic as life goes on in unaffected parts of the country. Musical fundraising events are springing up around the country, with famous bands and DJs volunteering their services. Many companies are also stepping up and opening their wallets, including Fast-Retailing, the parent company of clothing chain Uniqlo, which will donate approximately 700 million yen worth of clothing and an additional 1.2 billion yen in monetary donations.
Of course it’s not only Japanese at the forefront of volunteer efforts. Foreign residents -teachers, army personnel and their families, as well as many others- are also joining the effort, clearing debris, handing out provisions and providing much needed support to children.
In sharp contrast to the images of survivors bravely weathering the storm in an attempt to begin rebuilding their lives as soon as possible, many international media outlets, especially those from the United States , have been less than fair in their coverage. News reports of ‘panic in the streets’ of Tokyo ; warnings that all American citizens (regardless of their actual location in Japan ) should leave the country; paranoid musings that Fukushima will eclipse Chernobyl as the worst nuclear disaster in history: are mostly exaggerated sensationalism. The fact that no looting or rioting occurred in Miyagi or the areas most affected by the tsunami is clearly testament to the patience and endurance of a people not unaccustomed to the sometimes violent side of nature. Claims of panic and chaos downplay the reserved and respectful way most Japanese have handled this tragedy, even if the worst earthquake in Japanese history is a real reason for panic and chaos.
Anger towards the Japanese media and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) for withholding information is certainly understandable. There is no doubt that the public was late to receive information about the actual severity of the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi plant following the explosion at reactor one. However, by not revealing all of the information until they had conducted proper testing, they prevented the wide-spread panic and paranoia that swept news stations across the world. And although this may not entirely justify the delay in the release of information, it points to a fundamentally different approach to responding to disasters than the West.
As international students in Japan , it is only natural that your families worry about you. You are likely far away from home and news reports such as the above mentioned have merely fanned fears to a point of near hysteria. Should you feel that you are seriously at risk of danger, either from future earthquakes or from radiation sickness, then it may be wise to listen to the advice of your government and return home, if only for a short time. However, unless you feel that it is absolutely necessary to leave the country, I recommend staying put. Immigration offices across Japan have been swamped with applicants applying for re-entry permits. Although the number has dwindled somewhat, the first few weeks saw as many as 5,000 applicants a day at the Tokyo immigration office, with 10-12 hour waits for re-entry permits.
One way to fight the unease and depression that is bound to occur after such a devastating event is to join the fundraising and volunteer efforts. Whether it's organizing your own event, volunteering for an organization such as the Japanese Red Cross Society, offering your language skills, or simply donating money - take part in the recovery effort and give back to the country that has undoubtedly given so much to you.
就活ニューズ: 大手企業採用活動を延期 Several Major Japanese Companies to Extend Application Period/ Postpone Hiring
With respect to job seeking students who were affected by the devastating earthquake in Northeastern Japan, many large Japanese companies have decided to postpone the start of their hiring process from the middle of March until as late as early June.
The extent and method used by each company varies, with some companies offering the extensions to only students in areas directly affected. Toyota, Sumitomo Corp. and Panasonic, for example, will push back their hiring dates until June, respectively. Toyota will also extend its application deadline until the middle of May.
Although it would be completely insensitive to imply that this disaster is in any way a good opportunity, for international students who have fallen behind in their job hunting activities, it may be a last chance to apply for some of Japan's largest companies.
The following is a brief list of companies who intend to extend their hiring period.
Toyota Co.- hiring processes will be postponed from April 1 until June. The deadline for applications will be extended until the middle of May.
Honda - Hiring for applications received from areas affected by the disaster to be postponed from April until June.
Panasonic - Hiring will be postponed until June.
Sumitomo Corp. - Domestic hiring of new graduates to be postponed until June.
Sumitomo Chemical - Currently considering postponing hiring until July in areas directly affected by the disaster.
Make sure to check the news as well as company websites daily for the latest information regarding changes to application due dates and hiring periods.
With respect to job seeking students who were affected by the devastating earthquake in Northeastern Japan, many large Japanese companies have decided to postpone the start of their hiring process from the middle of March until as late as early June.
The extent and method used by each company varies, with some companies offering the extensions to only students in areas directly affected. Toyota, Sumitomo Corp. and Panasonic, for example, will push back their hiring dates until June, respectively. Toyota will also extend its application deadline until the middle of May.
Although it would be completely insensitive to imply that this disaster is in any way a good opportunity, for international students who have fallen behind in their job hunting activities, it may be a last chance to apply for some of Japan's largest companies.
The following is a brief list of companies who intend to extend their hiring period.
Toyota Co.- hiring processes will be postponed from April 1 until June. The deadline for applications will be extended until the middle of May.
Honda - Hiring for applications received from areas affected by the disaster to be postponed from April until June.
Panasonic - Hiring will be postponed until June.
Sumitomo Corp. - Domestic hiring of new graduates to be postponed until June.
Sumitomo Chemical - Currently considering postponing hiring until July in areas directly affected by the disaster.
Make sure to check the news as well as company websites daily for the latest information regarding changes to application due dates and hiring periods.
3/14 Company Information Session for International Students
★Event Date: Mon. 3/14
A Course
★Place L Osaka South Building 10F room 101
★Nearest Station Keihan Line Tenmabashi Sta.
A Course
(Registration 9:40)
B Course
(Registration 13:10)
★Capacity 57 people
★Place L Osaka South Building 10F room 101
3-14 Kitahama-Higashi Chuo-ku, Osaka City
★Nearest Station Keihan Line Tenmabashi Sta.
Subway Tanimachi Line Tenmabashi Sta.
★A Course★ (For science majors only)
・Hitachi Zosen Corporation
★B Course★ (For humanities majors [science majors also possible])
・J_Tech Co., Ltd
・Manabe Interior Hearts. ALL
・Kameki Industrial Co.
Apply here!
Applications/ Inquiries: Osaka Global Recruiting Support Project
TEL: 06-4791-5221 Email: grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
Academic Institution Supervisor: Ms. Kuzumaki
International Student Supervisor: Ms. Tsujimoto
※Participation in this event is free. We ask that you please dress appropriately and be on time.
★開催日 2月21日(月)
★時間 Aコース 10:00~12:00
Bコース 13:00~15:00
Cコース 15:00~17:00
(受付開始 14:40)
★場所 エル・おおさか 南館7階 72号室
★最寄駅 京阪線 天満橋
地下鉄谷町線 天満橋駅
各コースごとにお申し込みが必要です。 (複数申込可)
各コース 募集人数48名限定 (先着申込み順)
<<A コース>> 理系のみ対象
<<Bコース>> 理系・文系対象
<<Cコース>> 文系のみ対象
お申込み・お問い合わせ先: 大阪府グローバル人材活用推進プロジェクト
TEL: 06-4791-5221 EMAIL: grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
教育機関担当: 葛巻
外国籍留学生担当: 辻本
★時間 Aコース 10:00~12:00
Bコース 13:00~15:00
Cコース 15:00~17:00
(受付開始 14:40)
★場所 エル・おおさか 南館7階 72号室
★最寄駅 京阪線 天満橋
地下鉄谷町線 天満橋駅
各コースごとにお申し込みが必要です。 (複数申込可)
各コース 募集人数48名限定 (先着申込み順)
<<A コース>> 理系のみ対象
<<Bコース>> 理系・文系対象
<<Cコース>> 文系のみ対象
お申込み・お問い合わせ先: 大阪府グローバル人材活用推進プロジェクト
TEL: 06-4791-5221 EMAIL: grs_rookies@spice.ocn.ne.jp
教育機関担当: 葛巻
外国籍留学生担当: 辻本
2011 Job Fair Success and Afterthoughts
Hello international students!
First of all I'd like to wish all of you a happy new year!
It's been a while since I've posted. As you can probably imagine, we were extremely busy in the weeks leading up to and after the 2011 Job Fair for International Students.
Thanks to all of you who came and participated, the job fair was a huge success, reaching almost 1,200 students from various countries all over the world.
Osaka Prefecture, as well as most of the companies who attended, expressed their gratitude as
well as their admiration for the effort and professionalism put forth by the students who participated.
We also received surveys from almost 90% of the total attendees, which provides valuable
feedback for our project to continue to aid all of you in your job hunting activities.
We here at the Osaka Prefecture Job Support Service for Foreigners Project would like to extend our
heartfelt thanks.
Now, regarding a few reoccurring comments from surveys we received.
■ Obviously the size of the venue was a bit small for the number of companies and participants.
We realize this and apologize if it disrupted your experience. Since the job fair was
so successful this time, we believe that we will be able to secure a larger venue in the future.
■ Many participants also said they'd like to hear advice from former international students now
working in Japanese companies. We'd like to organize events in the future in which this is possible. However, ideally we'd like the environment to be one in which the former international student is able to speak freely and honestly about his/her company without fear of reprimand.
■ Some students expressed that they felt there weren't enough companies represented looking for their particular field of study.
We intend to take your feedback seriously so as to provide the best forum in which to aid your job hunting activities. If you have any additional feedback, your comments will be appreciated.
I will post some pictures from the event in the next couple of days.
In the meantime, here are links to a couple of articles about the event.
First of all I'd like to wish all of you a happy new year!
It's been a while since I've posted. As you can probably imagine, we were extremely busy in the weeks leading up to and after the 2011 Job Fair for International Students.
Thanks to all of you who came and participated, the job fair was a huge success, reaching almost 1,200 students from various countries all over the world.
Osaka Prefecture, as well as most of the companies who attended, expressed their gratitude as
well as their admiration for the effort and professionalism put forth by the students who participated.
We also received surveys from almost 90% of the total attendees, which provides valuable
feedback for our project to continue to aid all of you in your job hunting activities.
We here at the Osaka Prefecture Job Support Service for Foreigners Project would like to extend our
heartfelt thanks.
Now, regarding a few reoccurring comments from surveys we received.
■ Obviously the size of the venue was a bit small for the number of companies and participants.
We realize this and apologize if it disrupted your experience. Since the job fair was
so successful this time, we believe that we will be able to secure a larger venue in the future.
■ Many participants also said they'd like to hear advice from former international students now
working in Japanese companies. We'd like to organize events in the future in which this is possible. However, ideally we'd like the environment to be one in which the former international student is able to speak freely and honestly about his/her company without fear of reprimand.
■ Some students expressed that they felt there weren't enough companies represented looking for their particular field of study.
We intend to take your feedback seriously so as to provide the best forum in which to aid your job hunting activities. If you have any additional feedback, your comments will be appreciated.
I will post some pictures from the event in the next couple of days.
In the meantime, here are links to a couple of articles about the event.
Interview Tip: Entering and Exiting the Interview Room 【面接の入退室の流れについて】
On paper it looks easy; spoken it sounds simple: open the door, walk in, close the door.
Of course, as you should already be aware, nothing about the job hunting process in Japan is simple - and this is no exception.
Being confident is key in an interview, so the last thing you want is to be nervous about something as fundamental as entering and exiting a room. Below are a list of simple steps to help you navigate your way through this simple yet somewhat baffling process.
"How should I enter the room?”
Of course, as you should already be aware, nothing about the job hunting process in Japan is simple - and this is no exception.
Being confident is key in an interview, so the last thing you want is to be nervous about something as fundamental as entering and exiting a room. Below are a list of simple steps to help you navigate your way through this simple yet somewhat baffling process.
【Regarding entering and exiting the interview】
You’ve made it through the document screening process and at last you’re ready for the interview but once you get there you realize there are still some things you are unsure of…
You’ve made it through the document screening process and at last you’re ready for the interview but once you get there you realize there are still some things you are unsure of…
"How should I enter the room?”
“Is it OK to be holding my coat and briefcase?”
"When should I say Shitsureishimasu?
"When should I say Shitsureishimasu?
If you simply remember this pattern, you’ll be able to speak more confidently once the actual interview begins.
(1)Knock “3” times with the back of your hand (lightly)
(2)Open the door and enter the room
(1)Knock “3” times with the back of your hand (lightly)
(2)Open the door and enter the room
・Upon hearing “Dozo” from inside, open the door slightly. ・With an energetic “Shitsureishimasu”, enter the room. ・With your body turned sideways, politely close the door with both hands (if possible).
(3)First Greeting ・Facing the interviewers, smile and greet them with “Shitsurei-itashimasu”. ・After greeting the interviewers, stand up straight and bow at a 45 degree angle. (Make sure you completely finish saying Shitsurei-itashimasu before begining your bow.)
(3)First Greeting ・Facing the interviewers, smile and greet them with “Shitsurei-itashimasu”. ・After greeting the interviewers, stand up straight and bow at a 45 degree angle. (Make sure you completely finish saying Shitsurei-itashimasu before begining your bow.)
(4)Proceed to your seat. ・Proceed to your seat and stand next to it. ・Place your briefcase next to the chair and drape your coat over it, folding it slightly.
(5)State your name and your school’s name ・While making eye contact with the interviewer, state your「school name・department・name(full name)」in a loud and clear voice. ・Lastly say,「Yoroshiku O-negai-itashimasu」and bow.
(6)Sit down ・Once the interviewer makes the offer「Dozo O-kakekudasai」, with a slight bow say “Shitsureishimasu” and take your seat. ・With good posture, sit on the front 2/3 of the chair(7)When the interview has finished ・While still seated, say “Honjitsu arigatou gozaimasu”
(8)Stand and Greet ・Stand in front of your chair and say “Shitsurei-itashimasu”, and bow at a 45 degree angle.
(9)Final Greeting ・Proceed to the door while holding your things and stop before the door. Turn around and face the interviewer, greeting him/her with “Shitsurei-itashimasu” ・Open the door, exit the room and quietly close the door behind you(5)State your name and your school’s name ・While making eye contact with the interviewer, state your「school name・department・name(full name)」in a loud and clear voice. ・Lastly say,「Yoroshiku O-negai-itashimasu」and bow.
(6)Sit down ・Once the interviewer makes the offer「Dozo O-kakekudasai」, with a slight bow say “Shitsureishimasu” and take your seat. ・With good posture, sit on the front 2/3 of the chair(7)When the interview has finished ・While still seated, say “Honjitsu arigatou gozaimasu”
(8)Stand and Greet ・Stand in front of your chair and say “Shitsurei-itashimasu”, and bow at a 45 degree angle.
Only 4 Days Until The 2011 Job Fair for International Students
Hey international students and other stumblers.
Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoyed your winter vacation. I realize most of you were probably really busy with part time jobs and other job hunting activities, but I hope you were able to spend time with friends and family.
I was fortunate enough to do the former. I also had an opportunity to witness Osaka's transformation into a somnolent ghost town as many of its residents fled back to their inaka for some quiet family time.
Things have hence returned to normal and in the spirit of the entrepreneur Ebisu, I wanted to post a reminder that the 2011 Job Fair for International Students is just around the corner, this Saturday, January 15.
Presently, 938 students have already signed-up for the job fair, putting us about 60 short of our 1000 goal.
Nevertheless, it's quite impressive and just goes to show many active and serious international students there are. We've received applications from all over Japan as well as from students from the US and Australia.
If you are a student in Kansai or have the means to travel to Osaka and have yet to sign-up, make sure to sign-up for free at our website: http://www.grs-project.jp/
You can still come without signing-up in advance, but signing-up in advance is highly recommended (failure to do so will require that you spend quite a significant portion of time on the day of the event filling out entry forms by hand...).
Of the 60 companies participating, some of them are only offering positions to international students they meet at our job fair.
This is a great opportunity to meet with several Japanese companies that are seriously invested in hiring international students. Don't let it pass you by.
See you Saturday!
Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoyed your winter vacation. I realize most of you were probably really busy with part time jobs and other job hunting activities, but I hope you were able to spend time with friends and family.
I was fortunate enough to do the former. I also had an opportunity to witness Osaka's transformation into a somnolent ghost town as many of its residents fled back to their inaka for some quiet family time.
Things have hence returned to normal and in the spirit of the entrepreneur Ebisu, I wanted to post a reminder that the 2011 Job Fair for International Students is just around the corner, this Saturday, January 15.
Presently, 938 students have already signed-up for the job fair, putting us about 60 short of our 1000 goal.
Nevertheless, it's quite impressive and just goes to show many active and serious international students there are. We've received applications from all over Japan as well as from students from the US and Australia.
If you are a student in Kansai or have the means to travel to Osaka and have yet to sign-up, make sure to sign-up for free at our website: http://www.grs-project.jp/
You can still come without signing-up in advance, but signing-up in advance is highly recommended (failure to do so will require that you spend quite a significant portion of time on the day of the event filling out entry forms by hand...).
Of the 60 companies participating, some of them are only offering positions to international students they meet at our job fair.
This is a great opportunity to meet with several Japanese companies that are seriously invested in hiring international students. Don't let it pass you by.
See you Saturday!
International Students,
Job Fair,
Pasona Global
投稿 (Atom)