Greetings international students!
It's getting colder and the holiday season is approaching.
I'm sure most of you are starting to look forward to fried chicken-filled Christmas dates, crazy bargin-fanaticism and long baito-packed (non)vacations.
Although I want to remind you that this is an important time to stay focused on study and job hunting, I want to take a moment of your time to introduce a cool website I came across. It's called, "We Are One" and it's an excellent source of information for social gatherings for international students in Kyoto and the Kansai area.
The organization is run by a group of volunteers, many of them foreigners who are living in Japan and want to help foster a stronger sense of community amongst other foreigners as well as Japanese.
In doing so they throw some pretty cool looking parties. Coming up in Decemeber is a pretty extravangent (yet reasonably priced) looking Christmas lunch party. Make sure to check out their website for more details as well as information about upcoming events.
We hope to be able to somehow collaborate with them in the future.
You can check out their website at the link below.
We Are One
The Osaka Prefecture Job Support for Foreigners Project is a government sponsored project intended to improve the job hunting experience of foreigners and international students in Japan.
2011 Job Fair for International Students / 2011 年外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会
The flier for the 2011 Job Fair for International Students has been completed. We are currently in the process of visiting colleges around Kansai to get the word out.
You can the finished flier below.
Of course you can see a larger version at the website:
And don't forget to sign-up if you're interested!!!
You can the finished flier below.
Of course you can see a larger version at the website:
And don't forget to sign-up if you're interested!!!
Interns Wanted! インターン募集中!!!
◆インターンシップ募集のご案内 Interns Wanted!
~Would you like the opportunity to be an intern at a job fair featuring global-minded companies?~
We are currently recruiting interns to work with our staff at the job fair on Saturday, January 15, 2011 .
Interns will offer assistance to companies participating in the job fair.
This is an opportunity not only to interact directly with HR representatives
but also to form an image of what it is like to work in a Japanese company.
We encourage anyone who intends to work for a Japanese company to apply.
【募集概要/Recruiting Outline】
日時 Date and Time | 2011年1月15日(土)9:00~14:30 Saturday, January 15, 2011 9:00~14:30 |
インターンシップ内容 Internship Contents | 「外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会」会場において出展企業ブースでの企業補助業務などをお願いします。 Provide assistance at the company booths for participating companies at the “Job Fair for International Students” |
報酬/Payment | なし None |
【募集要項/Guidelines for Applicants】
応募資格 Applicant Requirements | 大学1年生~4年生、修士1年~2年、専門学校、語学学校等 在学中の方 学部・学科は不問 日本語検定1級レベルが望ましい Undergraduate1- 4 year、Masters 1 - 2、Vocational School、Language School, etc. Currently Enrolled Field of Study Irrelevant Preferably JLPT level 1 |
応募先 Applications | グローバル人材活用推進プロジェクト 辻本(ツジモト)宛 Global Recruiting Support Project Ms.Tsujimoto |
インターンシップ説明会 Internship Explanatory Meeting | 2010年11月25日(木)13 : 00 ~ 16:00 2010年12月16日(木)13 : 00 ~ 16:00 Thursday, November 25, 2010 13 : 00 - 16:00 Thursday, December 16, 2010 13 : 00 - 16:00 |
選考方法 Selection Method | インターンシップ説明会当日、書類審査・グループ面接有り(日本語) On the day of the explanatory meeting your resume, etc. will be reviewed and group interviews will be held.(Japanese) |
【日本のビジネスマナー研修/Japanese Business Manner Training】
We will hold free business manner training for all of the international students participating as interns.
You will learn important business manners for job hunting and for working in Japanese society.
This training will continue to benefit you as you make the transition from student to professional.
We welcome you to attend.
≪日本のビジネスマナー研修 /Japanese Business Manner Training≫
1コマ90分 30名×2(1 course 90 minutes 30ppl )
内容Contents | 概要 |
Outline | |
自己紹介 | 自己紹介のポイント/Point for self-introduction |
Self-Introduction | |
身だしなみ | 相手に対して失礼のない服装や身だしなみのマナーについて |
Appearance | Regarding polite dress and appearance |
第一印象 | 第一印象の重要性 |
First Impression | The importance of first impressions |
挨拶 | 基本的な挨拶の仕方、礼儀作法等 |
Greetings | Fundamentals of greetings and etiquette |
敬語 | 接客応対や電話応対等、TPOに合わせた接遇用語について |
Polite Language | Proper terminology based on TPO, customer service and telephone reception. |
◆外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会 JOB FAIR (入場無料)
Job Fair for International Students (Entrance is free)
~外国人留学生を積極採用する企業 60社が大阪に集結!~
60 companies actively hiring international students will meet in Osaka
Date and Time: Saturday, January 15, 2011
Eligibility: International students (scheduled to graduate in 2011/12), vocational students, recent graduates
Place: My Dome Osaka
概要:オープニングセミナー 10:00-10:30
Outline: Opening Seminar
3 hints to utilize company information sessions and effective measures for job hunting
Global Rookies Cafe10:30-17:00
●キャリアカウンセリング(日本語・中国語・英語) Career Counseling (Japanese/Chinese/English)
●就職対策DVDコーナー Effective measures for job hunting DVD corner
●資料ライブラリーコーナー Resource library corner
●在留資格等入社手続き相談 Advice on status of residence and the processes of entering a company
Individual Career Counseling
Do you feel like the uncertainties are piling up as the job hunting season approaches? Get advice from a pro! If you don’t know how to go about job hunting, are having trouble writing your resume, can’t get to the next stage of the interview process, or are unsure of how to prepare for interviews – feel free to speak to one of our counselors.
Inquiries regarding career counseling
大阪府大阪市中央区南新町1-1-2 タイムスビル2F
Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City, Chuoku, Minamishinmachi 1-1-2 Times Bldg. 2F
大阪府大阪市中央区南新町1-1-2 タイムスビル2F
Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City, Chuoku, Minamishinmachi 1-1-2 Times Bldg. 2F
1) 自分に合う会社・仕事かどうかを判断するため
2) エントリーシート・面接での「志望動機」を上手く答えられるため
II. 企業について知っておくこと
・基本給 ・年間休日数 ・企業年金
・ボーナス ・残業 ・ベースアップ
・交通手当 ・福利厚生 ・仕事の進め方
・初任給 ・社会保険 ・社内の雰囲気
III. やり方
●インターネット -(企業ウェブサイト等)
●就職四季報 - 各大学のキャリアセンターに置いてあるはず
◆Check! 2010年9月19日に「産業新聞」に出られた記事「『働きやすい会社』ランキング」による「働きやすい会社の条件は有給休暇の取りやすさ」と発表した。
企業研究 就活 留学生 日本
就職活動のコツ 第2
1) インタネット
2) 雑誌・業界研究本
3) 新聞
4) テレビ
5) 会社の説明会・セミナー・合同企業説明会
6) OB・OG 訪問
Step 1 自己分析 |
●自分の能力・長所・弱点を絞る ●自分がしたい仕事vs. 自分が出来る仕事 |
Step 2 業界を決める |
●研究する志望業界を決める →3~4業界を調べる程度 |
Step 3 業界について研究する |
●業界ではどんな製品、サービス ●業界の現状・課題・将来性 ●雑誌・就職本・四季報 ●合同企業説明企業会・セミナー ●OB・OG訪問 |
Step 4 情報をまとめる |
●本当にこの業界でないとだめですか ●自分のスキル・能力本当に合っていますか |
Examining Industries
Why conduct industry research?
For those of you about to begin your job search, the question “What kind of job do I want to do” is likely the most important question you’ll be required to answer. Researching and examining various industries is one tool to help you answer this question.
* * * * *
Hotel/Tourism/Finance/Banking/Communications/Information Technology/
Education/Pharmaceuticals/Fashion/etc – There are so many different kinds of industry that it can be a bit overwhelming. Furthermore, each industry brings with it several types of jobs. Finding the right job in the right industry is the goal of industry research.
The purpose of examining industries
●To gain a better understanding of the industry
●To be able to answer questions effectively in interviews
●To know if your skills and ability match the industry or not
Questions asked about the industry at interviews
●Why do you want to work in this industry?
●What about this industry (news, etc.) interests you?
●How will your skill set be useful to this industry?
Gathering information
1) Internet
・Company homepage /Your university’s career center webpage
2) Magazines・Books on conducting industry research
・”Shikkiho”・Books on industry research(history of the industry・the industry’s formation・problems・related jobs)
3) Newspaper
・Develop the habit of reading a newspaper 15-30 minutes daily. Nikkei (, etc.
4) Television
5) Company information meetings・Seminars・Job Fairs
6) Visiting OB/OG’s
Flow-cart for conducting industry research
Step 1 Self-Analysis |
●Find your skills・strong points・weaknesses ●Jobs I want to do vs. Jobs I’m capable of doing |
Step 2 Choose an Industry |
●Choose an industry to research →Research about 3-4 industries |
Step 3 Research the Industry |
●Product/service provided ●Current situation/problems/future potential of the industry ●Magazines・Books on job hunting・”shikkiho” ●Job fairs・Seminars ●Visiting OB/OG’s |
Step 4 Organize the Information |
●Is this really the right industry for me? ●Does this industry match my potential/skills? |
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